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Olive Farm Winery - MBA 2007 Certificate of Excellence


Client: Olive Farm Winery
Location: Middle Swan, Western Australia
Build description: Cellar Door and Warehouse Winery
Architect: Yuro Designs
Contract period: 32 weeks
Commence date: April 2006


Winery manufacturing warehouse & tastings area.

The project required construction of a two storey manufacturing warehouse and public tasting area for the winery. Significant site works were involved that also required special attention to the soil conditions and the available connecting services.

Building materials comprised of 200mm thick concrete tilt panels, parts of which are 11 metres high, steel framed roof structure with zincalume roof cover, polished concrete floors and Karratha Stone facades to front entrances.

The Master Builders Association (MBA) presented Building Solutions with an award for this stunning project. Discover more about the Olive Farm Winery build here


With 60+ years of combined experience, we deliver end-to-end building solutions on time and on budget.

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